Sunday, February 1, 2009


Life is so full of confusions.... Every thing you need to do.. you need to make a decision... some are easy as shd i brush my teeth now or later.... Some are as difficult as shd i just end it all?? Hmmmmmm.... well life is all abt decisions aren't they?

We all hope to make good decisions but do we all the time?? Hmmm... I have had many ppl asking me... So wat do i do in this situation... If i tell u wat to do... might as well i live your life... I myself am guilty of this... But the final decision is up to me.. I make the call ... I suffer the consequences... But at the end of the day, I wanna say that i LIVED my life w/o regrets... I hate being bound by these so called rules... This is the way you should live... These are the things that make you complete... How de hell does anyone else know what makes me complete... when even i myself dunno...

Life is short... For some very short... I would prefer to live it by my rules... with all it's complications and confusions!!

1 comment:

  1. Never say life is full of confusions.. lets put it life is full options. That sounds better right?

    I came up with this small verse for article for my school. Would u believe they wrote about me in a school article. :P

    here it is for u...

    You choose the direction, you walk on the path. You cross through it, you eat the fruit at last. It may taste either sweet or sour but satisfy your hunger.
    ~Sugmad Eshwar
